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Christmas Giveaway Contest Rules

Scalia Group Srl
Marshal Caviglia Street, 10
90143 Palermo PA

Advertising communication: from 6 December 2024
Contest participation: from December 7th to December 24th 2024
Final Draw: December 27, 2024

Adult customers of Scalia Bags stores and website

    Prize money
    Total prize pool value: €1425

    The products up for grabs are the following:

    • 10x Moon Bag Mini brand Got Bag worth €25 each
    • 4x Re:Shell Checked by Got Bag, worth €249 each
    • 1x Pro Pack Travel brand Got Bag worth €189

    The prizes:

    • The first 10 customers drawn will receive a Moon Bag Mini each
    • The next 3 customers drawn will each receive a Re:Shell Checked trolley
    • The last customer drawn will receive a Re:Shell Checked trolley and a Pro Pack Travel backpack

    How to participate
    All registered customers who make a purchase in Scalia Bags stores and online at from 7 to 24 December 2024 will participate in the competition.
    On December 27, 2024, the names of the 14 winners will be drawn in live streaming on the Instagram platform, account @scaliagroup

    The Promoter reserves the right to exclude from this competition those who commit fraudulent actions and/or actions that undermine the correct conduct of the initiative.

    Communication and acceptance of the win
    Winners will be notified by email or telephone and must accept and collect the prize within the time and manner communicated in the notification of the win. In the event that the winner is untraceable or acceptance is not valid (for example, failure to respond within the time and manner requested), the prize can no longer be collected.


    • Minors are also excluded from participation in the Competition and will therefore not be able to enjoy any prize won. All those users who, according to the unquestionable judgment of the Promoting Company or third parties appointed by the same, are winners with means and instruments deemed suspicious, fraudulent, or in violation of the normal course of the initiative. The Promoting Company or third parties appointed by the same, reserve the right to proceed, in the terms deemed most appropriate, and in compliance with the laws in force, to limit and inhibit any initiative aimed at circumventing the system designed.
    • The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify a participant if any behavior has been implemented that circumvents the gaming system designed (including, but not limited to, hacking, creation of temporary or fictitious accounts, multiple participations, etc.). These participations will be subject to verification.
    • The Promoter reserves the right, before validating the win, to verify that the user follows at least one of the social pages (@scaliagroup); any irregularities will result in the loss of the right to receive the prize and therefore in this case the win will be forfeited.
    • The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any access problem, impediment, malfunction or difficulty regarding the technical tools, the computer, the telephone line, the transmission and connection, the Internet connection that may prevent a competitor from participating in the competition or from accepting his/her winnings within the times and ways indicated.
    • The winner is solely responsible for managing his/her account for receiving any winning message, with particular reference to:
      - upon viewing the possible winning message;
      - to adopt security measures that prevent other unauthorized persons from accessing your account.
    • The Promoter Company and the third parties appointed by the same assume no responsibility in the event of failure or late delivery of the communication of the win in the event that one of the following conditions occurs:
      - the privacy settings set by the user's account prevent the receipt of messages;
      - the user account used by the participant during the participation phase is non-existent or disabled;
      - There is no response from the host computer after sending the win notification

    Advertising of the regulation
    The rules will be available on the promoter's website at

    Art. 13 Processing of personal data
    In compliance with the new European Regulation 679/16 (GDPR), we provide you with the necessary information regarding the processing of personal data provided by you. This is information provided pursuant to Art. 13 of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data.